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  • Pasadena Housing Providers

Guest Opinion in Pasadena Now | Let the Voters Decide About The Future Of Renting in Pasadena - June 17, 2024

Updated: Sep 4

Pasadena Housing Providers members Blake Boyd and Mike Lewis wrote about the opportunity to resolve Measure H's biggest problems by proposing some simple changes for voters to review during the 2024 Charter Review ballot.

In their opinion piece in Pasadena Now, Mike and Blake suggested the following items could be included in the ballot:

  1. Create a fair, inclusive and equitable Rental Board by expanding it to include more landlords (Section 1811.a)

  2. Reduce the burden on small owners by exempting single-family homes,  condos, co-ops, ADUs, and properties with four or fewer units in line with existing zoning codes, and Section 8 tenancies (Section 1804.a.4 and 1805.a.6)

  3.   Allow half of the rental registry tax to be passed on to tenants, like other cities do, so that both sides are accountable.  This would ensure there is no incentive to overcharge, and encourage cost-effective management. (Section 1811.l)

  4.   Fix the unclear enforcement mechanism that criminalizes every minor failure to comply with this complex and contradictory Measure (Section 1817.g and 1817.h)

  5.   Ensure a real “right of fair return” instead of the activists’ complex, unclear and unfair definition.  This should be resolved through regulation, NOT through Charter definitions.



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