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A Better Pasadena!




Pasadena Housing Providers represents family investors who have acquired, maintained, and renovated small multi-family housing units in the City of Pasadena. We are families providing housing for families.


Our mission is to give a voice to these property owners at the City Council, the Rental Housing Board and the ballot box. Our goal is to promote fair and equitable regulations that do not drive up the cost of rental housing in Pasadena. We also don’t believe it's fair that some rental units should be required to subsidize the cost of rent controlled units.


Measure H in Pasadena envisions a costly, unwieldy, and expensive bureaucracy to oversee a rent control program. Ultimately the costs will all be borne by the renters in the city. Much of the cost and staffing is unnecessary to achieve the goal of affordable housing. Pasadena Housing Providers intends to make the system effective, lean and efficient at minimal cost to our tenants.

Please Join our effort for a better Pasadena!

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254 N. LAKE AVE. PMB-851



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Paid for by Pasadena Housing Providers ID#1464386 

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